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Daily Horoscope


Personal: Your body language is saying more than your words right now and so be aware of the subtle yet very powerful messages you are conveying subconsciously.

Travel: Travel within your local area to see clients is favored.

Luck: With your 4th and 6th houses activated Sagittarius have luck when you keep a secret or confidence.

Profession: Your sharp wit can help you to diffuse tense situations and keep channels of communication from breaking done. A great day to find information for important decisions.

Health: Luck is on your side and you may get a boost just when you need it and so keep the faith; there is assistance coming which can help you deal with even challenges conflicts within and without.

Emotions: The knowledge gained whether you win or lose, matters far more than the result and this is a very helpful attitude that is helping Sagittarians keep on top emotionally.
